Black Expression Book Club
Interested in joining the Black Expression Book Club? Good choice.
It's a great way to save money and enjoy many low-cost books by black authors. But, there's a few things you should know first.
Learn all about this popular black book club here - before you join. Then, you'll know exactly what to expect.
Visit the club website and pick your books now.
What is the Black Expressions Book Club?
Great question. It's a fantastic African American book club that allows you to buy African American books at discounted prices.
This is a membership book club. Why become a member? The best reason is the membership package. When you join you get some fantastic deals on books, often four books of your choice for just $4.
After that, you'll continue to enjoy discounted club prices on the books you buy. These are typically in line with what you would find at a book store or on, but sometimes they can be much less!
With a book club you're buying directly from the publisher, and by cutting out the middleman they can often offer lower prices.
Your Black Expressions Book Club membership agreement will tell you exactly what's required, but typically you'll need to buy a couple books over the next year at regular club prices.
After that, you're free to cancel at any time (but most members want to continue their membership). If you read your membership agreement before you join, there will be no surprises.
Visit the Black Expressions Book Club website.
What Types of Books Can I Buy?
The Black Expressions Book Club has a big selection of books by black authors, including famous black authors like Teri Woods, Lynn Harris, Sister Soulijah, Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison.
They also have books on African American heritage and culture, cookbooks, and African American children's books.
Benefits of Membership
There are many benefits to joining the Black Expressions Book Club. They include:
- Save with an introductory package of four books for just $2.
- Get afree gift (black umbrella and tote set) with membership.
- Enjoy discounted book prices every day.
- Receive a monthly catalog with book club recommendations and author interviews.
>> Pick your free books now.
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