About Double Day Book Club
The Double Day Book Club (visit the club website
)is a membership club you join to earn discounts on books. The books offered by Doubleday are discounted up to 50% off of publisher's edition prices.
They manage these discounts in two different ways. First, when you buy from Doubleday you're buying directly from the publisher. This means they're cutting out the so-called "middleman" to save you money.
Second, the books are sometimes changed in size from the books you'll find at a book store. By changing the sizes of books, they're often able to produce them at a lower cost and pass the savings on to Doubleday book club members.
Should You Join Doubleday Book Club?
Most book lovers who purchase a number of books in a year (more than 10) will save money by joining Doubleday.
The introductory offer from the club is a great cost savings. When you join, the typical introductory offer is four books for 99-cents plus a fifth book totally free (you pay only shipping and handling).
Once you become a member, you'll have a membership agreement. Basically, this agreement simply tells you how many additional books you need to buy at regular club prices (remember, these are discounted from typical book store prices) in order to fulfill the terms of your agreement. Be sure to read your membership agreement when you join so you know what's expected.
>> Visit the Doubleday Book Club Website
What Kind of Books are Available to Doubleday Members?
Double Day Book Club makes thousands of books available to its members every day, both through its website and its club catalogs.
The types of books you can purchase through this mail order book club include:
- Bestsellers (fiction and non-fiction)
- Cookbooks
- Diet and exercise books
- Mysteries and thrillers
- Reference books
- Romances
- Christian literature
- Children's books
- Biographies and memoirs
- Many more.
Overall, Doubleday is probably the mail order book club with the broadest selection of books. So, it's a great choice for readers who enjoy reading in many different genres.
If you are a member of a book discussion group you may also want to consider joining Doubleday with the other members of your book club. By purchasing your monthly reading selections from this discount book service, you'll likely end up saving money throughout the year!
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