Gardening Book Club
When it comes to gardening book clubs, there are really two types.
The first type is a discussion club that may meet weekly or monthly to talk about garden books and gardening in general.
The second type is a membership club such as the Homestyle Book Club that allows you to buy great gardening books a discounted prices.
We'll talk about both types of clubs in this article!
Discount Gardening Book Club
A monthly discount book club allows you to buy new books at discounted prices by selling directly from the publisher.
For gardening books, the best book club is the Homestyle Books
book club. It includes a wide selection of garden, cooking and craft books. The garden book selection includes:
- The Backyard Homestead
- The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs
- Beds & Borders
- Dream Backyards
- The New Low-Maintenance Garden
- 3-Step Vegetable Gardening
- The Perennial Care Manual
- Many More!
As you can see, there is a great variety of garden books available on topics including plants and flowers, landscape design, container gardening, birds and butterflies and many more.
Although it's hard to say what the best garden book ever is, you're likely to find yours here!
See the full selection of gardening books.
Joining the Homestyle book club is easy, just sign up on their website. When you join, you'll get to choose four books for just $2, plus you'll get a free tote bag. You may also enjoy the gardening book reviews included on the club website.
After that, just buy a few more books at discounted club prices as outlined in your membership agreement. If you're looking to build your gardening library or buy many gardening books each year, you're sure to save money.
>> Visit the Homestyle book club website.
Gardening Book Discussion Club
The second type of book club is a discussion club. This type of club typically meets once or twice a month in members' homes or a local coffee shop to discuss a gardening book and swap gardening tips. It could even be organized as part of a Master Gardeners group.
Here's how it works:
- Find a group of 5-12 people interested in gardening.
- Decide how often and where your club will meet.
- Choose a book selection for each meeting.
- At the meeting discuss the book and share what you learned.
- Consider adding additional activities such as garden tours or gardening volunteer work for fun!
A club such as this is the perfect way to share your love of gardening with others and gain additional knowledge and skills to help your garden prosper!
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